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Marco Polo

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Marco Polo
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  • Marco Polo! Long time no see! I didn’t thought I’d see you again, how was the trip?
  • Hey! It was so interesting, I met so many people, learned about a lot of cultures and visited marvelous places
  • Really? That 's so cool! Tell me more about it!
  • I was greeted by the Kublai Khan, the King himself, he threw a whole welcoming party just for us! They even had fireworks!!.
  • The king? There is no way you met him. What are fireworks? A type of food?
  • No no, fireworks are like flying fire that leaves blue smoke behind. It's like an artificial lighting storm and they make a thunderous noise.
  • Artificial lighting? Have you gone mad? There is no way that’s real, are you making that up just to impress me Polo?
  • Making it up? It 's real!
  • They had them at my welcoming party and there were also hundreds of booths and stores just to celebrate my arrival.
  • Hm. Well I’m just going to have to take your word for it I guess.
  • I promise I'm not lying, I have not told you half of what I saw.
  • Okay, then I want to know more! What else did you do?
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