Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations brought by cross border trades in good and services, technology and investment
what is globalizaton
ohh i see
im trying to figure out what globalization is and how does it effect society in a negative and a positive way
what is globalizaton
advantages:1) lower coast products2) the spread of technology and innovation3) acces new markets disatvantages 1) unequal economic growth 2) lack of bussnisses 3) cause job displacments
well actually its quite easy let me explain
yes i would
what is globalizaton
wait really you would do that thing for me
so what is globalization anyways
what is globalizaton
yes sure ask me anything im all ears
can i ask you 2 more questions sir
what is globalizaton
what are three disatvantages and 3 advantages of globalization