Traits:-Supportive, Enabling, Devoted Major quotes-Attention must be paid. Failure or success-Both
Gleiten: 2
Biff loman
Traits-Conflicted, Lost, Searching for Identity Major quotes-- "I'm not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you."- "We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house!" Failure or success-Success
Gleiten: 3
Willy loman
Traits:Delusional, Desperate, Proud Major quotes:- "I am not a dime a dozen! I am Willy Loman, and you are Biff Loman!"- "The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead."- "I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been." Failure or successFAILURE
Gleiten: 4
Happy loman
Traitsp-Suerficial, Eager to Please, Neglected Major quotes-- "I'm losing weight, you notice, Pop?" Failure or success-Failure
Gleiten: 5
Ben Loman
Traits-Mysterious, Prosperous, Influential Major quotes-Opportunity is tremendous in Alaska. Surprised you're not up there." Failure or success-Success
Gleiten: 6
Traits-Practical, Successful, Compassionate Major quotes-- "Nobody dast blame this man. You don't understand: Willy was a salesman. Failure or success-Success