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Well, they don't call it "High" School for nothing.
I thought they were too complacent about their outfits anyway.
They're not going to let me in, they think my outfit is provocative!
Skydiving is fun.
Yesterday they told me to augment my clothing!
Forget "King of the hill", for I am king of the school!
Oh, no! I have to get to the classroom before the teacher does!
This is what billy is going to look like when he's done "skydiving".
Don't worry ma! The incessant amount of times I've said goodbye to you before heading into school will never get old!
That has to be against the dress code!
Being stuck in that locker is gonna make you infamously well known in a bad way.
Yo, can I have your wallet? I didn't feel like being guile or anything this time.
It's not like he's showing any skin...
It's almost like you tried to make the most redundant sentence you could.
I feel like I'm squandering my time. I have no reason to be here.
I have to remember a parachute next time.
In order to maintain my laudable position as god of the school I must deter all of the nonsense that has been happening around here.
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