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If you are outdoors when an earthquake happens, remember to:

Move into open areas and stay away from areas where debris can fall.

If you are indoors when an earthquake happens, remember to:

Run away to an exit point.

If you are outdoors when an earthquake happens, remember to:

Run away from electric poles.

If you are indoors when an earthquake happens, remember to:

Drop, cover, and hold on to something sturdy.

If you are in a car when an earthquake happens, remember to:

Stop quickly, stay in the car, and avoid areas where debris can fall.
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Ruotare:   Rifletti Orizzontalmente Rifletti Verticalmente title= Ruota di 90 ° a Destra
Strati: Portare Avanti Portare in Primo Piano Invia Indietro Mandare Indietro
Edit:   Copia Stretch to Fill Tagliare Cancellare
Cancellare Blocca Posizione Sblocca Posizione

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