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Civics Roles of the President Shreya Musini Period 4

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Civics Roles of the President Shreya Musini Period 4
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  • Chief Executive
  • The IRA needs to collect taxes today. How is CDC doing? I issue an executive order to have mandatory vaccinations immediately.
  • The IRA is doing fine Mr. President. The CDC is rolling out vaccination guidelines this week. All the other federal companies have been going strong with this year's budget
  • Yes Mr. President. We'll get that handled right away.
  • President
  • Thank you! While we're at it, let's discuss our trading policies and negotiate a treaty
  • Thank you for coming to our Peace Day celebration! I look forward to talking about our standing with the US
  • Foreign Leader
  • They attacked us?! Send our troops over immediately.
  • The president works as the chief executive, overseeing all the various organizations under the government. They are kind of like the head of a large corporation. They have the power to issue executive orders and can use this during an emergency.
  • Our policy agenda today is racism and the recent earthquake. I want a law passed for aid relief for families who faced the earthquake. I'll be leaving to meet the families in three weeks. You all need to support the bills about minimizing discrimination in the work force to show our ideology that all men are created equal.
  • As Chief of State, the president represents the United States for both at home and abroad functions and is the ceremonial leader of the US. As well, the president acts as the Chief Diplomat, overseeing US policy, holding talks with foreign leaders, and negotiates treaties with other countries.
  • We also need to discuss tax policy. I feel like the federal budget should be $700,000
  • Mr. President, I've finished sending the appointed Federal Reserve Board members their new listing on the Board
  • Our federal budget should $500,000. That should be enough to cover everything
  • As Commander in Chief, the president is the head of armed forces and is responsible for operations of the US military and overall security of the nation.
  • You all have been very loyal members of the party. I will do you a political favor. Also, are all the campaigning strategies working for our party? How are we doing in the Congressional Elections? I hope the work I put in pays off
  • So far, our party has been gaining lots of voters for this election. Your efforts will lead to gaining more seats for our party
  • Mr. President, there's a campaigning event you must attend at 5 PM
  • As Chief Policymaker, the president can set the policy agenda to address certain issues they wants the lawmakers to focus on. They can propose legislation. As Chief Citizen, the president can comfort Americans in times of crisis or tragedy and embody American ideals to serve the nation by acting in its best interest.
  • As Chief Manager of the Economy, the president works with Congress to make the federal budget and set tax policy. The President can also appoint members to the Federal Reserve Board.
  • As Chief of Party, the president acts as the leader of their political party. They work diligently to ensure the party will gain/strengthen their majority in congressional elections. The president also participates in campaigning events and fundraisers as well and grants political favors to those who are loyal to the party.
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