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Expansion Comic

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Expansion Comic
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Storyboard Tekst

  • Louisiana Purchase
  • 1803
  • Finance Army!! - Napoleon Bonaparte
  • $
  • Louisiana
  • TRADE!!!
  • what?
  •  Manifest Destiny and Expansion!!- Thomas Jefferson
  • "Indian" Removal in the Southeast
  •  "Indian Reserve"
  • Trail of Tears:1831 – 1877
  • You are destroying our lives!!
  • Chickasaw and Choctaw Tribes
  • You have no rights to do this!!
  • Cherokee and Creek Tribes
  • So Unfair!!!
  • Texas
  • I am David Crocket, I will fight so that Texas is "Free"!!
  • The Alamo: 1836
  • I am General Santa Ana, you shall give us back our land!!
  • The Louisiana Purchase had a very big impact on the U.S because it meant boosting the economy and giving them New Orleans port which opened a lot of commerce opportunities. To the French (Napoleon) it meant funds for their army and war with the British.
  • Mexican American War
  • VS
  • WAR!!!
  •  1846-1848
  • We want it here!! 
  • The “Indian” Removal on the southeast had a direct impact with two main groups, the Natives that lived there (Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw and the Seminole tribes) and the American colonizers that wanted the natives land. To the Native Americans that lived in that area it destroyed their way of life and confined them to a reservation with their other neighbor tribes, to the American Colonizers it meant gaining the natives fertile land and expanding their wealth.
  • Oregon Territory
  • Sioux, Shoshone, Kiowa, Crow, Ute, Paiute
  • NOO we dont want you here. Leave us alone!!
  • Look at that butload of resources!!
  • 49th parallel
  • The Texas expansion had a major impact on two groups of people, the Mexicans and the Texans/Americans. It affected Mexico because they lost land which at the time in history it equaled money and power, it also enhanced the conflict between the Mexicans and the Americans which later on start a war, it affected the Texans/Americans because it gave them the chance to exploit that land and later on allowed them to get the Mexican cession since it caused the Mexican American war which they won causing more internal conflict.
  • American Indians and "Westward expansion"
  • Me, General Custer command you to kill those Natives!!
  • Little Big horn battle (Custer's last stance)
  • The Mexican American War had a big impact on two big groups, the Mexicans and the Americans. It affected the Mexicans because not only did they spend a lot of money on the war but they also lost 1/3 of their land which meant loosing recourses that the country may need, to the U.S. it meant winning a lot of land and completing "Manifest Destiny" which gave them many resources, fertile land and opportunities for the white settlers, but it also boosted the conflict between free states and non free states
  • As a representative of the U.S I accept
  • FIGHT!!
  • The war is Over!!
  • Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty
  • We want it here!!
  • Me, General Santa Anna Cedes 1/3 of Mexico's land to the U.S. In the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty
  • The Oregon territory expansion had a direct Impact on two different groups of people; The Natives (Sioux, Shoshone, Kiowa, Crow, Ute, Paiute) and the American settlers. It affected the native tribes of that area because it meant that they would now have to share their land and resources with the settlers and they were also afraid of the settlers stealing their land , for the settlers this had a very positive impact because although it was hard to get there, they received many valuable natural resources making them richer and bosting the economy.
  • Oregon trail
  • lets go settle over there and get rich!!
  • settlers
  •  1848-1859
  • American Settlement
  • The "Westward expansion" had an impact on the Native Americans living in the U.S acquired territory(Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and many others)and the white settlers that were moving into those territories. It affected the natives because in the end the settlers stole their land and confined them to reservations while destroying their way of life, to the settlers this had a positive impact on them since they acquired land and resources that the natives possessed which made them richer.
  •  American "Indian" War: 1609 – 1924
  • Me, sitting bull command our forces to defend our people!!
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