
Bullying Vocabulary Spider Map

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatVERBALBULLYINGCYBERBULLYINGINTIMIDATIONSOCIALBULLYINGVerbalbullyinguseswordsdirectedatanindividualorgroupwiththeintentiontoharmthem.Cyberbullyingisusingmediaoutletsordevicestoharmothers.Intimidationiscausingfearoranxietytothevictim.Socialbullyinginvolvesattackingapersoninfrontofapersonorgroup.BULLYINGVOCABULARYBJimyoumustbedumbtofailMs.Smith'stest!JimBOMBEDtheezsttestthisyr!!#stoooppidGositattheloser'stableJim.Justwaittillyougetoffthebus!F
Bullying Vocabulary Spider Map
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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Bullying Vocabulary | Help students recognize and talk about bullying

Storyboard Tekst

  • F
  • Verbal bullying uses words directed at an individual or group with the intention to harm them.
  • Jim you must be dumb to fail Ms. Smith's test!
  • B
  • Cyberbullying is using media outlets or devices to harm others.
  • Jim BOMBED the ezst test this yr!! #stoooppid
  • Go sit at the loser's table Jim.
  • Just wait till you get off the bus!
  • Social bullying involves attacking a person in front of a person or group.
  • Intimidation is causing fear or anxiety to the victim.
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