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updated Forbidden City

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updated Forbidden City
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  • Eddie, I think these kids have been peaceful and sensible during the demonstration. No one has been hurt
  • Ted, this Martial Law will have a lot of restrictions on journalists. We need to decide if we're going to keep sending reports back to Canada about the demonstrations.
  • You're right Eddie we have an obligation to get this story out of the country, if it means breaking martial law then , so what. What can they do to us send us home ?
  • I'm not about to pass up the biggest story of the decade and the biggest story in china since the liberation '49.
  • I can't believe the square is still packed with people and students sleeping in the square, the students are well organized and seem to have enough food.
  • Ok, fine we will stay and cover the story about what about Lao Xu? He can go to prison for helping foreigners to break Chinese law.
  • Yeah, I agree, but we should let Lao Xu decide what he wants to do.
  • Really the peoples liberation army sent plain clothes men into the TV and radio stations. So they basically took over the media ?
  • The satellite feed to North America and Europe has been shut down by the governement , TV pictures and video recordings can't be sent out of China directly.
  • This means we'll have to smuggle the tapes out.
  • Yes, lots of the food is brought by local residents.
  • Lao Xu, Thanks for coming to Tian An Men Square with us this morning. It's such a beautiful morning, Bejing might be under martial law but you'd never know it, exept for the military helicopters flying above.
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