Parvana lives in an afganistan apartment with one room for her whole family. They are under strict rule by the taliban. Her apartment is very small and cramped with Parvana, Maryam, Mother, Father, Ali, and Nooria. With such small space how do they live?
Chapter 4
Father was in an accident. At the school he was teaching before the taliban came the school was bombed and his leg was blown off in the explosion. Now father has to lean on parvana to get to the market where he sells things and reads and writes letters. One day two taliban soldiers bust into their home and tried to take father. Mother tried to fight back, then parvana joined in but the two taliban won and took father
Chapter 5
Parvana and mother went to the jail to get father back but they were beaten and had to go back to the house with no clues on where father.
Chapter 6
When mother and parvana got back to the house both their feet were bloody and messed up. Maryam took care of parvana and Nooria took care of mother. While Nooria was taking care of mother, mother had her had down and her face was covered in tears. Now someone had to get food because the family was out, but who would?
Parvana had to go out to the market place without father. She had to get food for the family because mother was depressed and pouting and father had been taken away. When getting bread a taliban soldier saw her without her burqa and called out to her. She instantly ran and bumped into a women carrying a child. Parvana new the women and they went back to her house.
Mrs Weera and mother planned all night that they were going to turn me into a boy. Parvana put up a fuss, but finally agreed to it. Mother cut her hair and sent her on her way to the market but before she walked out the door she pleaded to stay but finally after arguing with Nooria she went outside