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Welcome to

New Mexico!

Steve Jones

18 Main Street

Westwood, MA 02466


Dear Steve,

How are you? I hope you are having an awesome April vacation! My family and I are in New Mexico and it is so hot here. We just explored the caves at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, have you ever heard of it? A cavern is just a fancy way of saying big cave, and there are lots of them here. This park has over 100 small and large caves in total! A lot of people come here to see the Big Room. It is a HUGE chamber that is about 25 stories high and can hold 6 football fields. We went in it and it was really cool! One thing I didn't know about when we arrived was that there are thousands of bats that sleep in the caves at night. We even saw a bunch of them during our tour, which I was not happy about! The tour guide told us that over five hundred thousand tourists visit the park each year. I had no idea it was so popular. I also learned that they believe the caves were formed about 20 million years ago, making them the oldest cave system in the world! Well, I can't wait to see you back at school soon and enjoy the rest of the break!

Your Pal,

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استدارة:   الوجه أفقيا الوجه عموديا title= تدوير 90 درجة اليمين
طبقات: إحضار إلى الأمام اجلب للمقدمة إرسال إلى الوراء إرسال إلى الخلف
تصحيح:   نسخ Stretch to Fill تقليم حذف
محو الوظيفة القفل فتح الوظيفة

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