Nick Allen stalls for time on his first day in Mrs. Granger’s class and is assigned an oral report on the history of the dictionary.
After completing his research, Nick has an idea: why not make up a word?
The word "frindle" begins to spread throughout the school.
The frindle story becomes a national sensation.
Nick changes, but Mrs. Granger encourages him to keep dreaming up ideas.
Ten years later, frindle is in the dictionary and Nick receives a letter from Mrs. Granger.
Anyone who is heard using the word "frindle" instead of the word "pen" will stay after school and write this sentence one hundred times:
I am writing this punishment with a pen.
- Mrs. Granger
Dear Nicholas,
If you are reading this letter, it means that the word "frindle" has been added to the dictionary. Congratulations.
You'll find out!
Nicholas, you didn't do anything wrong this year. Your idea was a good idea, and I have been very proud of the way you behaved - most of the time.
Mrs. Granger, you have so many dictionaries in the room, where did all those words come from?
Frindle? What's a frindle?
I forgot my frindle!
So tell me, Nick, why did you make up this new word, "frindle"?