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  • Okay, I hope you feel better.
  • I just haven't been feeling well. I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow.
  • Ian hasn't been to school in a while.
  • Yea, I'm getting kind of worried
  • Sudden Isolation is a sign of a suicidal person.
  • He hasn't talked to me in days, and I'm his best friend.
  • I don't want food! Leave me alone!
  • Aggressiveness and Irritability can be a warning sign.
  • Honey! Come down, food is ready!
  • Oh yeah. He's been up in his room for a while. Go ahead.
  • Hello, I'm here to see Ian. He called me.
  • I'm fine, I don't want to talk about it.
  • I called you here because I wanted to give you my hamster. I know you love him & will care for him.
  • Giving valuable things away can be a suicidal tendency.
  • Ian, why are you doing this? Are you okay?
  • after a long talk, he stared to go to school and he became happier 
  • i am not okay i feel empty inside i just wanna die
  • hey every thing is okay i am here okay is you need to talk
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