Jing-mei's mother moved from China to America after losing everything her parents, her husband, and twin babies in China.
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You are gonna be a pianist and train with our neighbour Mr.Chong
Oh No
Jing-mei's mother had high expectations for her daughter.
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Yes great job Jing-mei!
Since they didn't have a piano Jing-mei's mother traded cleaning services for piano lessons from their neighbor, Mr.Chong.
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Wow she is horrible!
She just stinks!
Well she tried!
One day Jing-mei's mother put her in a talent show but Jing-mei didn't take it seriously and played horribly!
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Jing-mei didn't want to play the piano and said she wished she had never been born. Her mother walked away speechless and she stopped playing the piano.
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That was beautiful....
Years later, Jing-mei's mother passed away. Jing-mei sat at the piano and played the song from the talent show. Then she played a different song that was beautiful and long. This made her feel content.