Over time, Elenor changes her perspective on people. She no longer judges them by their appearance or social status but by their experiences, challenges, and the determination with which they move forward. With Rose and Alex by her side, Elenor discovers that empathy and compassion can open doors to realities she didn't understand before. She understands that true wealth is found in the heart, not material possessions.
Glide: 2
Eleonor at home, thoughtful after dinner...
What would it be like to lose everything so young? I haven't treated him fairly.What if what he has lived through is harder than I can imagine? What if all this time I judged him for no reason?
Glide: 3
The next day, Eleonor decides to invite Alex to a coffee, alone. It is a difficult step for her, but she knows it is necessary.
I had no right to judge you without knowing you. Now I see the strength inside you, and I'm sorry I was blind to that.
Thank you, ma'am. We all make mistakes, the important thing is to learn from them and move forward.