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The Indus Valley Civilization

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The Indus Valley Civilization
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Storyboard Tekst

  • 4,700 years ago there was a civilization in India known as The Indus Valley Civilization or the Harrapan Civilization
  • The Indus Valley Civilization was developed on the banks of the River Indus.
  • below the citadel lays a lower town which were inhabited by the common people
  • This is a citadel, this was used for the people of the ruling council to live. 
  • The drainage system was well constructed and it indicated that they paid attention to cleanliness
  • One of the largest and important public buildings discovered is the Great Bath in Mohenjo-Daro.
  • To the west of the Great Bath, there lays a granary. It was used for storing grains
  • The Indus Valley was fertile due to the annual inundation. Agriculture was one of the main activities of the people.
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