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The Cricket in Times Square - Setting Compare/Contrast

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The Cricket in Times Square - Setting Compare/Contrast
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The Cricket in Times Square - Setting Compare & Contrast graphic organizer

Storyboard Tekst

  • "rumble of subway trains""thrumming of the rubber tires of automobiles""babble of voices""Birds, the pigeons of New York, and cats, and even the high purring of airplanes above the city""Above the cricket, towers that seemed like mountains of light rose up into the night sky. Even this late the neon signs were still blazing. Reds, blues, yellows, and greens flashed down on him. And the air was full of the roar of traffic and the hum of human beings.""The sight was too terrible and beautiful for a cricket who up to now had measured high things by the height of his willow tree and sounds by the burble of a running brook."
  • "I lived inside an old tree stump, next to a willow tree, and I often go up to the roof to look around. On the other side of the stump from the willow tree there's a brook that runs past..""Back in Connecticut he had sometimes watched the one-sided fights of cats and mice in the meadow, and unless the mice were near their holes, the fight always ended in the same way.""'I thought cats and mice were enemies.'"'In the country, maybe, said Tucker. 'But in New York we gave up those old habits long ago.'""It's so pretty up in Connecticut. All the trees change color. The days get very clear...Pumpkins begin to come out."
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