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Exodus story board

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Exodus story board
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  • we love living in UR but we will follow you God 
  • go take you Hebrew people to cannon the promise land
  • I Rufuse
  • Abraham lived in UR as shepherds around 1700 BCE. Thecovenant that Abraham made with god was that if Abraham took his animals and people to cannon they would be granted with internal life.
  • This is what the Egyptians get for not setting Gods people free
  • After Abraham and his son died Abraham's grandson took over for the Hebrew people and decided to move from Cannon to Egypt because there was not enough resources for them to survive. At first when they arrived they were welcomed, but then there was a new Faro who felt threaten by the Hebrew because there population was growing to fast. The new Faro decided to enslave The Hebrews.
  • ( all said together) We will follow your 10 commandments and worship only you god
  • Moses was a Hebrew who was born in the time when the Hebrews were enslaved and all the baby boys were killed so his mom sent him of in a basket along the river and the daughter of the faro found him. After Moses grew up he learned that he was once a Hebrew and did not like what the faro was doing to them. One day god went to Moses and said got to Egypt and free my people and tell them if they refuse he will send 10 plagues to the Egyptian people.
  • OK guys are you ready to take back cannon
  • (all together) Yes Moses!!!
  • When the Pharaoh refuses to let the Hebrew people go God sent down the first Plagues which was turning there water into blood the the other eight plagues were sent out and the Faro refuse to let them go so god sent out the last pledge witch was to kill the first born child from the palace. Then the faro's son died he let the Hebrews go.
  • After the Hebrews were free, they went to Mount Sinai and God gave Moses the 10 commandments that were ethical laws that Hebrews would live by. As the Hebrews were living on Mount Sinai they were worshiping belief of Monotheism. The 10 commandments stated that you have to be a good person ( which made the Hebrews feel safe) and you could only worship the one and only god.
  • Joshua had to stay with the Hebrews in a dessert outside of cannon for 40 years until the Hebrews population grew. Their Population grew bigger and bigger until they were ready to take back cannon.
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