You only live once and the mask and face shield only spoil the look.
Hey, why aren't you wearing a mask and a face shield? It's dangerous.
There are still some people who do not follow the protocol, based on public attitudes, actions, and beliefs about the Covid 19.
we have a circle in which the tinted color represents the number of individuals who consistently follow the guidelines and the untinted color represents the number of people who disagree with the protocols.
Oh, and what happens to those who don't follow the protocols?
People who did not follow the protocols have been infected with the virus, and some have died as a result.
for real?
Yes, that is why I try to follow all of the regulations as much as possible.
I'm ashamed of my actions; I'm insensitive, and I shouldn't constantly consider my appearance; instead, I should consider my safety.
It's not too late, bro; you still have time to change and follow the protocols for your own safety and the protection of others.
It is not too late for all of us to change; all we need to do is take it one step at a time and follow through. We can help others in a simple way by acting in a certain way.