Oh hey, didn't see you there... I'm just writing a letter to my friend explaining to him why I agree with things that were written in the Declaration of Independence. It's for school.
Anyway, I'm gonna get back to work... have a nice day!
Agreement #1:In the Declaration, it says that, "...all men are created equal." I like this part because it ties into today, where in America, people are still judged for the color of their skin, but overtime, it has slowly gotten better and better. People have continued to fight and keep this part true.
Agreement #2: Throughout the Declaration, "He" is mentioned a lot. When they mention "He," they are referencing the king at the time. They wanted freedom and didn't like the way "he" ruled. So, they fought back, and eventually won their freedom. I like this part because they're listing reasons on why they rebelled.
Agreement #3:In the Declaration it says, "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..." I agree with this part because it's showing that in America, the people have a say in who gets to lead our country.