On our wonderful wedding birthday i am glad to offer you my loving wife one letuce and 1 pineapple and this lovely goat pet
“Great, Joe. So romantic. Now all I need is a therapist.”
Glide: 2
Joe : Euuh lovely wife FYI few parts are like ..missing
“Wait… THIS is the surprise? Mom, I thought we were going forward in time, not back to the dinosaur age!”
Voila ! the great Amazing Mercedes Benz Vintage
Glide: 4
Oh, sure there is. But see, when they were packing you up, they made a little mistake and swapped you out with someone like me. That’s why you’re more like me—super chill and completely unbothered by color-coded sock drawers.”
Dad, there’s no Baby Store… i will ask mum
Glide: 5
And don’t even get me started on maintenance! You know, once the house—or, I mean, the baby—is born, you’ve got to constantly make sure everything’s working properly. Regular inspections, structural integrity checks... I’ll show you my baby timeline from when you were born!”
Uh, thanks, Mom! I think I get it—babies are like houses. Got it. Just gonna go ask Dad... something... Bye!
Wait! Don’t you want to see the design I made for your future room addition? It’s baby-proofed!”