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StoryBoard That Project

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StoryBoard That Project
Storyboard That

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  • Odysseus and his men land on the Island Aeaea after their encounter with the Laestrygones. They arrive at the Island of the goddess Circe.
  • While Odysseus stays behind with some of his men, Eurylochus leads some men to investigate the Island and they find the hall of Circe.
  • Circe calls to the men investigating to come in her house and they all come willingly. They all come except for Eurylochus who fears a trap.
  • "The lone ship then sails to Aeaea, home of the goddess Circe, who is considered by many to be a witch" (Fitzgerald, 386).
  • Circe gives the men magic food and drinks. After feasting, the men lose their desire to go home and Circe turns them into pigs.
  • " 'In the wild wood they found an open glade, around a smooth stone house-the hall of Circe- and wolves and mountain lions lay there, mild in her soft spell, fed on her drug of evil' " (10. 1-5).
  • Eurylochus reports back to Odysseus and begs him to sail away from the Aeaea. Odysseus refuses and goes to save his men.
  • " 'So reassured, they all cried out together, and she came swiftly to the shining doors to call them in' " (10. 23-25).
  • On the way Odysseus meets Hermes who gives him moly, a plant that will protect him from Circe's magic. Odysseus threatens to kill her, so Circe turns his men back.
  • " 'Scarce had they drunk when she flew after them with her long stick and shut them in a pigsty-bodies, voices, heads, and bristles, all swinish now, though minds were still unchanged' " (10. 32-35).
  • "Against this advice, however, Odysseus rushes to save his men from the enchantress" (Fitzgerald, 387).
  • "Circe gives Odysseus a magic drink, but it does not affect him and he threatens to kill her with his sword" (Fitzgerald, 387).
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