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Forest Fires Comic Strip

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Forest Fires Comic Strip
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  • We should go on a camping trip this weekend!
  • That's a great idea!
  • Yeah!
  • The next night...
  • Mmm... yum!
  • Yes, you're right. Let's go get our pajamas on!
  • *yawn* I'm pretty tired! Matt, I think we should all get to bed.
  • What's that smell?
  • Oh my gosh! A fire! Mom! Dad! Wake up!
  • Thirty minutes later...
  • Phew! Good thing you woke up Kiera! And good thing we were able to put out the fire!
  • Yeah, but that was really dangerous! That could've set the whole forest on fire!
  • Dad, you must've forgotten to put the fire out! A few small sparks can set the whole forest on fire, destroying ecosystems, homes, and it's bad for our and other organisms' health! Next time, be sure to practice fire safety.
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