It all started when Cuba rebelled in 1868. When cuba rebelled Spain sent 150,000 soldiers and the best general to stop the rebellion.
Yellow Journalism
YELLOW JOURNALISMThe de Lome Letter Stolen!!!
Cuba wanted the US to help them. The US said no, so Cuba decided to burn there sugar cane they had planted in Cuba to force them to help.
The last chance of peace
McKineleys list of demands 1. compensation for the main2. the end of all reconstruction camps.3. Truce to Cuba4. Cuba independance.
After US decided to help Cuba, President McKinely moved the ship into Havanas city to protect the American people and their property. On feb 15, and explosion sunk the main. They think a fire caused the amunitions to blow. They blamed Spain.
Manila attack
The yellow Journalism was a form of a newspaper, and exagerated many subjects escpecially when the De Lome letter was stolen.
McKinelys last chance of peace was to send a list of demands to Spain. Spain excepted all except Cuban Independance. After Spain did not excpet all Mckinely sent a war messege to the congress. Later Dewy aunched a surprise attak on spain, on may 1st 1898.
Spain Vs Us and cuba
This destroyed spains fleet in just 7 hours. The treaty of paris was sighned, after the treaty was sighned Spain reconized Cubas independence.. In exchange of $20 million the US gained the Philippines, puerto Rico, and Guam.