Two college students, Raghav and Sanya were given an assignment, to make a documentary representing the dimension of poverty
Today we are going to Malda to understand the shocks faced by the urban poor during COVID 19I'm Raghav
And I am Sanya
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Before the pandemic tings were different. My husband and I worked and go enough money to support our family and our son's education. I worked s a local tailor and my husband worked at a hotel. I also worked as a cook with other women in the nearby government school for preparing Mid-day meals and through that we often got free afternoon meals
Here we are with Ms. Kamla residing in Malda. She is here to tell us the horror the family of 3 experienced during the COVID 19 pandemic
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I lost my job as a tailor, which was heartbreaking, and a bigger shock was my husband being fired. We had sleepless nights wondering how we would sustain ourselves. We had access to the internet but after a while could not as we had to think about our savings for affording healthcare during such a stressful phase