My mom was a professor at a small private liberal arts institution.She taught early childhood education. I practically grew up on the campus and around her students. There was never a doubt in our house that I'd go to college; it was expected.As a professor, she received tuition remission at several partnering schools. I never felt constrained in my choice, although I knew we would not be able to afford for me to go to a school not in the partnership.
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Off to OWU!!
My brother was my biggest role model. 8 years older, I wanted to do EVERYTHING just like him.
Ohio Wesleyan would be a great fit for you! It's close enough to home you can visit, but far enough, you're away. You'll work closely with professors, no one from high school goes there, and you'll make great friends.
You've sold me! It's the only place I'm going to apply!
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I've found my home away from home!! I love that OWU is small enough to get to know so many people from all over the world and I do NOT feel like a number. My professors know my name and I'm getting involved in student government and the student programming board. I've heard it is liberal arts, but I'm not sure what that means yet... but I'm sure I'll learn!
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Yes, that's me! When I was a very young girl, if I couldn't go to school, I'd often spend the day sitting on the floor in the back of a college classroom while my mom taught.