OMG I am so sad now I have to live alone with out the love of my life! You guys are doctors you should have saved him!!
I am so sorry Mam your husband has just passed away I am so sorry for your loss, we tried everything we could to keep him alive!
Mam I don't know how it feels to loose a loved one but I do feel really bad for you right now! I feel very sorry for what you have to go through right now all alone.
It's ok I know you feel bad right now I just need to deal with my emotions right now! Thanks though for your true empathy.
EMPATHY is the trait.
Glide: 2
The patient will be fine but I can talk about it with other doctors if they are not on the case because it has to stay descreat.
Hey hows it looking for your patient?
Oh ok I understand that's a good role model for not talking about patients medical line with other people.
Emotion: Discretion
Glide: 3
What are we going to do with this patient I want to give up this is not working and we have tried everything!
Ok Ok calm down here. We are both doctors and we should be able to work together to succeed in this patient we just need to work together.
Ok that's smart I believe we can both be team players and work very hard to help this patient.