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The Battle of the Cowshed

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The Battle of the Cowshed
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  • Hi, I'm Mollie. I am the prettiest animal on this farm. Everyone wishes they had hair like mine.
  • Today the battle between us animals and the humans begin. We have planned for this to happen. But I really don't feel like walking a lot and doing this battle. I might sit this one out.
  • Oh, I think this is a good hiding spot. There's a window for me to look out of and no one will look for me here. I cannot let my hair touch all that filthy, gross mud.
  • Humans arrive
  • The battle has started, I see all the animals fighting. I would help but you see I'm too pretty to get dirty and bloody. And someone has to eat these delicious treats.
  • Oh no!!!! Snowball got shot. He's not dead but injured. The bullet went through him and hit this sheep who died. I don't really know her. Never payed attention to her so it doesn't really matter to me. But snowball is injured!!!
  • The Battle has ended and we have win. I think everyone is coming back inside. I don't want to listen to what they have to say so I think I'll just go outside.
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