I forgot that tomorrow we have to speak on solar eclipse,and if we do not talk they will call are parents to school
If that is the only problem I can solve it. We still have time come I will teach you about solar eclipse
Ok,I also think that I should study.It is better that crying and wasting time.
A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. Such alignment coincides with a new moon indicating the Moon is closest to the ecliptic plane.
Ohhh!so this is called solar eclipse. I understand now
A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. Such alignment coincides with a new moon indicating the Moon is closest to the ecliptic plane.
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