This Maenad, a follower of Dionysus. He is plannning to go to Athens to the Dionysia Festival
So promethieus was banished binded to the side of a mountain. Here a bird would come and eat his liver. But Would grow back only to be eaten again.
What a long Journey!!!
But Promethieus wanted mortals to share their gifts. So promethieus did as he thought.
But Should'nt mortals and immortals share the same the gifs?
Zues told Prometheius to never share their gifts. For zues said that their gifts were not for mortal use.
Promethieus my friend! Today I ask you to never share are gifts with humans for our gifts are of immortal use only.
Wow!! What is this creature!
Prometheius went to the mortals and showed them their gifts. So he showed them fire and they were amazed by the sight.
This is fire from which has many uses which a will show you.
Zues found ou about what promethieus had done so he punished him. But promethieus foretolda prophesy that a force will one day confront him and will need to be stopped.
promethieus I am very disappointed in you. You disobeyed me and gave the mortals our gifts! Forthis you shall pay!
What you plan to do to me I known. But I tell you this. One day a force will rise and challenge you unless stopped.