It’s crazy, it’s been that long…but do you remember your. experience moving and living here.
I can’t believe it’s been almost 15 years since we moved from Pakistan to America.
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CHARACTERS for FLASHBACKS.Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Mom ,Consular Officer.
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InshAllah, but still pray because we dont know what the future holds for us.
InshAllah, I hope they approve us.
We finally heard back... We have an interview for our visas next month.
August, 2009 in Lahore, Pakistan
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Well, i have great news. I made the decision to approve you guys to move to America.
OH MY GOD. کرنے کے لیے آپ کا شکریہ۔شکریہ اور ہمیں منظور
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I cant believe this.
September 9th, 2009 in Lahore, Pakistan
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Welcome to the flight. Please be prepared for take off from Pakistan to Texas.
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Cant believe this is our new life. Thank you Allah for making put dreams come true. This is everything we dreamed of.
November 12, 2009
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Wait so majority of your American experience was good right?
I'm very grateful that my experience immigrating to America was good and I had my husband and children with me.
Present Day.
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I'm going to be honest, i wont change many things because i had an opportunity to come to America and i'm very grateful that i came with my in-laws. I'm proud of them for bringing all of us here and settling down with a good lifestyle.
If your future self was able to go back, would you make any changes? If so, what will be the changes?