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Unknown Story
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  • Vagina
  • By Isaiah Roderick and Tristin Long
  • Time to Start My Journey in the vagina.
  • Cervix
  • My Journey Has Begun,I have entered the Cervix and Im Headed to the Uterus
  • Uterus
  • I Need To find the fallopian tube!
  • Approximately 250 million sperm enter vagina, most of them die(99%) within 30 minutes. Defenses: sperm destroyed by deadly acids that protect vagina from pathogens.
  • Fallopian tubes
  • WOW, It looks like Im the only one who made it. Its so lonely here
  • OMG, Im at the fertilization site. It looks like i finished my mission. Time to fertilize the egg
  • 60,000 remaining sperm must navigate through the cervix located at the far end of the vagina. Cervix usually plugged shut with mucus to defend against invading pathogens. However, during ovulation, estrogen flows from the ovary to the uterus, which softens the mucus to make it watery so the sperm can navigate through.
  • Fertilization(fallopian tubes)
  • Welcome to the fertilization site, It looks like you are the winner!
  • Approximately 3000 sperm remain and must navigate through the uterus to the fallopian tube. Muscular contractions of the uterus will help to propel sperm in the direction of the correct fallopian tube on the side of the egg. Sperm attacked by leukocytes.
  • Implantation(uterus)
  • I have completed my mission and fertilized the egg. This egg will become a nice young child in 9 months.
  • Approximately 10-30 sperm remain. Once inside, sperm are safe from attack by leukocytes. Sperm are provided with nourishment from the fallopian tube so they must stay alive for several hours.
  • The remaining sperm must attempt to find the egg at the upper end of the Fallopian tube. Egg releases chemicals that sperm can sense and they begin to move more quickly.
  • The Zygote(union of sperm and egg) travels down the fallopian tubes towards the uterus, cells begin dividing. On day four the tiny bundle of cells is named a blastocyst. 5 days later, the embryobreaks out of protective shell and implants in the wall of the uterus and begi
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