The learner will be introduced to the title of the game and click "start" to begin.
Glide: 2
Slide 2: Introduction
This slide will include text explaining the purpose of the game and the importance of addressing unconscious bias as leaders. The learner will then click the "next" button to move forward.
Glide: 3
Slide 3: Scenario 1 Presentation
Text explaining the scenario.
Option A
Option B
Option C
A workplace narrative will be displayed as text for the learner, along with an image depicting the scenario. Three different options will be presented for the learner to select from.
Glide: 4
Slide 4: Feedback for Decision 1
Answer ✅
Feedback text
Answer ❌
Explanation and reflection prompt
Learner will be presented immediate feedback based on the option they selected from the previous slide. This will include an explanation and reflection prompt.
Glide: 5
Slide 5: Scenario 2 Presentation
Option A
Option B
Option C
A second workplace narrative will be displayed as text for learners, along with an image depicting the scenario. Three different options will be presented for the learner to select from.
Glide: 6
Slide 6: Feedback for Decision 2
Feedback text
Learner will be presented immediate feedback based on the option they selected from the previous slide. This will include an explanation and reflection prompt.
Glide: 7
Slide 7: Progress Check
The learner will be presented with their current progress and encouragement to continue.
Glide: 8
Slide 8: Scenario 3 Presentation
Text explaining the scenario
Option A
Option B
Option C
A third workplace narrative will be displayed as text for learners, along with an image depicting the scenario. Three different options will be presented for the learner to select from.
Glide: 9
Slide 9: Feedback for Decision 3
Feedback text
Learner will be presented immediate feedback based on the option they selected from the previous slide. This will include an explanation and reflection prompt.
Glide: 10
Slide 10: Decision Summary
Opportunities for Improvement
Areas of Strength
Learners will receive a summary of their decisions that highlight areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
Glide: 11
Slide 11: Decision Summary
Peer Review
Group Discussion
Learners will be directed to participate in a group discussion in Canvas with their peers for further reflection.
Glide: 12
Slide 12: End Slide
Game Recap and Ending
This slide will serve as the final slide of the game. It will include a recap of what was presented throughout each scenario.