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perseus ch3

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perseus ch3
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  • And so Perseus lived many years there, and with his mother lived a blessed life.
  • Perseus igitur multós annós ibi habitábat, et cum mátre suá vítam beátam agébat.
  • At Polydectés Danaén mágnopere amábat, atque eam in mátrimónium dúcere volébat. Hóc tamen cónsilium Perseó minimé grátum erat.
  • But Polydectes greatly loved Danae and wanted to marry her. This plan however was not pleasing in the least to Perseus.
  • Polydectés igitur Perseum dímittere cónstituit.
  • Polydectes therefore decided to send Perseus away.
  • Then he called the young man to him and said this: 'It is disgraceful leading this lazy life; It has been a while since you became a young man.
  • Tum iuvenem ad sé vocávit et haec díxit: "Turpe est hanc ígnávam vítam agere; iam dúdum tú aduléscéns es.
  • How long will you stay here?
  • Quó úsque híc manébis?
  • Tempus est arma capere et virtútem praestáre.Hinc abí, et caput Medúsae mihi refer."
  • It is time to take up arms and show your valor.Go away from here, and bring me the head of Medusa.
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