Oklahoma Landmark Postcard

Denne Storyboard That aktivitet er en del af lektionsplanerne for Oklahoma State Guide

Kopier Aktivitet*


Oklahoma has so many wonderful places to visit, and postcards are a fun way to let others know about where you’ve been! Using the 2 cell poster template provided, students will create a postcard from Oklahoma. The written part must include at least one fact about the landmark, and the picture must accurately depict the location.

Some popular tourist attractions in Oklahoma include Route 66, Museum of Great Plains, Pioneer Woman Museum, Frontier City Theme Park, Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.

Kopier Aktivitet*

Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner

(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a postcard from a landmark in Oklahoma.

Student Instructions

  1. Click on “Start Assignment”.
  2. Create a 2-cell storyboard or use the template provided.
  3. In the left cell, create an image that depicts the landmark or the state in general using an appropriate scene, characters, and items. Be sure to include the state name somehow.
  4. In the right cell, write a note to a friend or family member describing the landmark that you have "visited". You must include at least one fact about the landmark.
  5. On the address lines provided, make up a creative address for the recipient.
  6. Create a fun stamp in the box in the upper right corner.
  7. Save often!

Kopier Aktivitet*

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Oklahoma State Guide

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