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Skabelon og Klassevejledning
Aktivitetsoversigt Accordion Arrow


Undertiden er studerende nødt til at stoppe og lytte til, hvad deres venner virkelig siger. At være omgivet af positive mennesker kan være gavnligt og motivere dig. På den anden side, hvis du er omkring negative mennesker, kan de bringe dig ned eller begynde at påvirke dine tanker negativt.

I denne aktivitet opretter de studerende et storyboard, der illustrerer de ting, de hører fra deres venner, og hvordan det får dem til at føle sig. Disse ting behøver ikke nødvendigvis at forholde sig til den pågældende studerende. Forhåbentlig producerer dine studerende alle positive celler, fordi vi ønsker, at de skal have positive mennesker omkring dem. For dem, der ikke gør det, er det vigtige stykke på deres storyboard deres reflektion.

Skabelon og Klassevejledning Accordion Arrow

Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner

(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)


Til tider er vi nødt til at stoppe og lytte til, hvad vores venner siger omkring os. Du opretter et storyboard, der repræsenterer eksempler på, hvad du hører dagligt, positivt eller negativt.

  1. Klik på "Start tildeling".
  2. Opret et traditionelt storyboard med fire celler.
  3. I de tre første celler skal du vise almindelige ting, som dine venner siger, enten det er godt eller dårligt.
  4. Opret en afspejling af dine tanker om, hvad dine venner siger i den sidste celle.
  5. Sørg for, at dine ansigtsudtryk repræsenterer den følelse, du får, når du hører disse ord.
  6. Gem og send opgaven.

Lektionsplan Reference

Rubrik Accordion Arrow


(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)

The Crowd You're Around
Students will be create a storyboard depicting the people they surround themselves with.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was either positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was unclear whether it was positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was unable to create a four cell chart storyboard with the first three cells creating the environment and the fourth cell creating the reflection. The storyboard is unfinished.
First Three Cells
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story clearly showing the environment or people talking to the main character is clearly a positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story but the environment or people talking to the main character is an unclear positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells did not depicted a realistic and appropriate story and the environment or people talking to the main character is unclear whether or not it is a positive or negative influence.
Last Cell
The final cell contained a positive or negative reflection response based on the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell contained a reflection response that did not match with the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell did not contain a reflection or the cell included an ineffective scene and character(s). The cell is incomplete.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.


Undertiden er studerende nødt til at stoppe og lytte til, hvad deres venner virkelig siger. At være omgivet af positive mennesker kan være gavnligt og motivere dig. På den anden side, hvis du er omkring negative mennesker, kan de bringe dig ned eller begynde at påvirke dine tanker negativt.

I denne aktivitet opretter de studerende et storyboard, der illustrerer de ting, de hører fra deres venner, og hvordan det får dem til at føle sig. Disse ting behøver ikke nødvendigvis at forholde sig til den pågældende studerende. Forhåbentlig producerer dine studerende alle positive celler, fordi vi ønsker, at de skal have positive mennesker omkring dem. For dem, der ikke gør det, er det vigtige stykke på deres storyboard deres reflektion.

Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner

(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)


Til tider er vi nødt til at stoppe og lytte til, hvad vores venner siger omkring os. Du opretter et storyboard, der repræsenterer eksempler på, hvad du hører dagligt, positivt eller negativt.

  1. Klik på "Start tildeling".
  2. Opret et traditionelt storyboard med fire celler.
  3. I de tre første celler skal du vise almindelige ting, som dine venner siger, enten det er godt eller dårligt.
  4. Opret en afspejling af dine tanker om, hvad dine venner siger i den sidste celle.
  5. Sørg for, at dine ansigtsudtryk repræsenterer den følelse, du får, når du hører disse ord.
  6. Gem og send opgaven.

Lektionsplan Reference


(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)

The Crowd You're Around
Students will be create a storyboard depicting the people they surround themselves with.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was either positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was able to create a four cell storyboard. The first three cells where used to create an environment (friends) around the main character. This environment was unclear whether it was positive or negative. The last cell was used to show the main character reflecting on her experience.
The student was unable to create a four cell chart storyboard with the first three cells creating the environment and the fourth cell creating the reflection. The storyboard is unfinished.
First Three Cells
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story clearly showing the environment or people talking to the main character is clearly a positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells depicted a realistic and appropriate story but the environment or people talking to the main character is an unclear positive or negative influence. The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The first three cells did not depicted a realistic and appropriate story and the environment or people talking to the main character is unclear whether or not it is a positive or negative influence.
Last Cell
The final cell contained a positive or negative reflection response based on the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell contained a reflection response that did not match with the experience from their surrounding environment (friends). The cell included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The final cell did not contain a reflection or the cell included an ineffective scene and character(s). The cell is incomplete.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

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