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Before an Earthquake

During an Earthquake

After an Earthquake

Emergency Kit Activity:

Draw and color items that should be in an emergency kit, such as water, food, a flashlight, and a teddy bear for comfort.

Family Plan Game:

Connect the dots to find the safest route from their room to the designated family meeting spot.

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Drop, Cover, and Hold On:

What is the proper order in doing drop, cover and hold on? Number them from 1 - 3.

Safe or Not Safe:

**Show pictures of different locations (e.g., inside a building, under a tree, next to a window) and ask kids to draw a happy face on the safe locations and a sad face on the unsafe ones during an earthquake.**

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First Aid Fun:

Match each injury with the appropriate first-aid item

Connect the Dots - Turn Off!

**Create a connect-the-dots activity where kids can draw lines to connect the dots and reveal how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity in a home safely.**

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