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Tom Sawyer and The Whitewashed Fence

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Tom Sawyer and The Whitewashed Fence
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Storyboard Text

  • "Tom!, Tom!...Where are you Tom ! OH! , When i find you .."
  • "No-Nothing !!"
  • "Tom, what are you doing in that corner! what is that on your hands and face"
  • Tomorrow, your going to work for me. You will paint the fence .
  • Tom Sawyer lived with his aunt, Polly . One day, aunt Polly was searching for Tom. She called his name out many times, but he did not answer. She was very angry with Tom . She search everywhere in the house, but could not find him.
  • "hey ! do you want to paint"
  • "No ! i can't . i need to get water from the well . "
  • She opened the door and called him again. But he was not there. She heard a voice behind her. It was tom . Aunt Polly noticed something on his hands and understood that he was eating cookies . When she raised her hands to beat Tom, he ran away 
  • On Friday, Tom didn't go to school . Aunt Polly got angry with him and gave him punishment for not going to school . She told Tom to work for her and asked him to paint the fence .
  • "Can i play now ?"
  • "y-ye-yes!"
  • Next day morning, Tom was not happy . But he started painting the fence . After some time, his friend Jim came and asked him whether he wanted to paint the fence or not . But Jim said he was going to get water from the nearest well .
  • A small Boy named Ben came to Tom's House . He offered fruits to Tom and started painting the fence . After sometime many boys came and they all gave foods to Tom to paint the fence with Ben . Tom stayed in the yard eating the foods while his friends painted the fence . After they finished he went inside the house and came out with his Aunt .
  • Tom asked for permission to play . 
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