Remind myself I DO deserve positive comments.I AM A GOOD PERSON - the best!
Can I make a request differently and still get what I need?
I need help.Stay calm.Use a nice voice.
Could you please listen to me, this is important.
Thank you for telling me that. Of course I will listen.
Can I convince myself I do?
When I feel good, others feel good too.
Can I take a moment to remind myself I am loved and deserve positive comments.Can I take a calming breath?
Receiving a positive comment is ok
I can be kind to myself and communicate what I need.I deserve to be helped and do not need to feel bad.Most people WANT to help me. .... they just need my help to do so.
I am proud of myself - yay.
I can use words to communicate to those around me and I don't have to get angry.I feel better about myself not getting angry.Everyone feels better.I am such a good person.
Receiving a positive comment means I am on the right track!It is important to feel proud of what I am achieving and positive comments help me do this.