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Hi, I'm August. I'm not an ordinary 10-year-old kid.

Normal kids don't make other kids run away screaming


Next week I start fifth grade at a new school. I've never gone to a real school before.

When I was born, my mom told me all she could see was born were how pretty my eyes were.

I was really bummed when my best friend Chris Tiphor moved away.

One day when we were driving home from Chris Tiphor's house I overheard my parents talking about the idea of me going to school. This was big deal because I had always been homeschooled!

The next day, when I woke up my parents told me a little about the director of my new school Mr. Tushman. And suddenly Dad cracked a joke about his high school teacher Miss Butt!

I went to the school a couple weeks later to take take a tour. I met Mr. Tushman at the front steps and he didn't even seem to notice how different my face was.

Unlike Mr. Tushman, Mrs. Garcia looked very surprised to see me.

Hi we are Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte. We'll show you around Beecher Prep.

First, this is our Homeroom.

What's a Homeroom?

We do a school play every year. Last year we put on Oliver.

Can I ask you a question?

Geez Julian, just shut up!

Is your name Jack, or Jackwill?

Ha! You thought his name was


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Good, but don't we have to pick up Via soon?

So, how was the tour?

After I got home I threw myself onto my bed.

I don't know. Maybe I was wrong...

No you were right. I think he's ready.

On the first day of school Jack asked if he could sit next to me.

Hey is this seat taken?

Our homeroom teacher passed out locks so we could practice opening our lockers. One boy Henry got really mad when everyone but him could open their locks.

A little while later Julian made fun of my face with Star Wars

Hey why don't you like Darth Sidious?

Mr. Browne's September precept.

Hello my name is Mr. Browne and I am one of your teachers.





At lunch I sat alone until a girl named Summer asked if she could sit with me.

Hey is this seat taken?

So how was your first day of school?

1 to 10


Better than I hoped for

That night I cut off my Padawan braid after Julian had made fun of me. Dad noticed it first.

Oh good I never liked that thing!

Hello? This is after plastic surgery!


Do you have any other questions?

Hey mom this year can I have a big bowling party?

Are you always going to look this way August? I mean, can't you get plastic surgery or something?

What's the deal with your face? Were you in a fire or something?

But sadly only 5 people could come.

I'm sorry honey but lots of people already had plans.

Halloween is my favorite holiday. This year, I am going to be Boba Fett and Summer is going to be Goth Girl (at school).

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Halloween is my favorite holiday. I was going to be boba fett and summer was a unicorn


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Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues

On the day of Halloween Via had a meltdown and and I couldn't get enough help to put on my costume so I decided to wear my old bleeding scream costume

Seriously if I was August I would kill myself

when I heard this I ran out of the classroom and started crying.

I went home from school because I had a stomach ache and threw up the second I got there.

Mom asked if I could go trick or treating and I no. She seemed worried because I always loved Halloween.

Dad seemed nervous, but Mom thought I should go.

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