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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Text

  • coffee
  • Hi Rosa!it was great!
  • hi Beck!how was your day
  • coffee
  • but why? what happened?
  • really?my day was terrible
  • coffee
  • yes, i saw un the news about a outbreak of covid-19
  • more people infected with covid-19 arrived at work
  • coffee
  • but why do you think that happened?
  • because there are people who do not follow the health protocols
  • coffee
  • Oh really?!that´s pretty good
  • but i saw on the news that they are already making a vaccine
  • coffee
  • yes!, maybe soon we can return to normality or be able to go out like before
  • if its too good, although it does not make you immune it would reduce the mortality rate
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