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User Story - Specify Position Requirements

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User Story - Specify Position Requirements
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Storyboard Text

  • Seeing and Understanding the Job Description
  • By this detailed information I can organize my personal and school schedule accordingly if I am accepted.
  • Checking the Required Skills
  • Hey! This job is just for me...I have already acquired the skills they need.
  • Imagining the Working Life
  • Hmm... What it is going to be like? Will I know what to do when I start or that will be a puzzle for me solve?
  • Working period Type of deal Working hours Active type and the necessary explanations regarding the job have to be viewed and understood smoothly.
  • Checking the Wage
  • So that this can be counted as a win/win situation for both sides by using the designated working period for the required job starting from day 1.
  • Understanding What is Expected at the End
  • Thefield and the project need to be stated so that the applicants do not lose time in the working hours by searching for what to do.
  • Possible Gains
  • The applicant has to see the payment for the job.
  • Well...now you are talking!
  • The applicant has to see what is expected from them in detail, such as the completion period of the job and desired results, for example, in numbers.
  • The objectives sound challenging but they can be achieved one step at a time.
  • The applicant has to see what experiences/gains they will have the opportunity to receive so that they can decide accordingly in the frame of advancing in their career.
  • Are you kidding!...I will be learning how to lead a team without any support, too? Wow, that is something.
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