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The Birth Of Jesus

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The Birth Of Jesus
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Storyboard Text

  • A man named Zechariah had a wife named Elizabeth. They had no children and were too old to hope to have any.
  • Hi! I am the Priest Zechariah! My wife is Elizabeth, but we are too old to have children now!
  • But how? We are so old!
  • An Angel came to Zechariah while he was in the Temple. The angel said the his wife would have a baby a name him John.
  • Do not be afraid! God has heard your prayer. Elizabeth will give birth to a son and you will name him John!
  • As you do not believe my words you will be unable to speak until my words come true at the a pointed time.
  • Zechariah did not believe the Angel and as punishment, he could not talk until the baby was born
  • Heeelllp!! I cannot speak!! The angel was right! Why did I ever doubt him!! Forgive me O'lord!
  • THe angel appeared to Mary and told her she would have a baby. He told her to name the baby Jesus.
  • I am the Lords servant. May your word to me be fulfilled!
  • Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.
  • Mary went to see Elizabeth, the mother of John.
  • Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!
  • When John was born, Zechariah could speak again!!!!
  • He shall be called John!
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