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Zkuste to zdarma!

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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Text

  • Starting Population
  • Variation
  • Invasion
  • The Carnegiea gigantea, or the saguaro, is a species of plant that produces flowers for reproduction. In this scenario, it is in the deserts of Utah. Another species of cactus is nearby, but it doesn't produce flowers.
  • Natural Selection
  • The saguaro and the cactus next to it both are able to survive as nothing is present to attack. The saguaro has flowers, which helps it spread out. The other cactus reproduces when its parts fall onto the ground.
  • Diffrential Survival
  • An invasive bird species has invaded the area with both species of cacti. The birds eat both cacti, eating anything that looks like cactus.
  • Adaptation
  • The saguaro has flowers that can grow more cacti. The other cactus solely depends on the remains of the old one. The birds did not touch the flowers as they do not prefer eating them. On the other hand, the other cactus has been eaten.
  • The flowers of the saguaro have sprouted into new cacti. The other species of cactus has less offspring due to the fact that the birds ate most of it. The birds didn't eat the flowers, allowing the saguaro to have more offspring.
  • The invasive bird species survived due to the constant levels of growing cactus in the area. The saguaro species were able to survive due to the inedible flowers that grew into more saguaros. The other species died out due to the birds consuming the entirety of the plant, not allowing any offspring to grow.
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