U romanu A Night Divided prisutni su mnogi pojmovi i aluzije iz rječnika koji bi studentima pomogli da pregledaju. To će pomoći u cjelovitom razumijevanju knjige i razumijevanju vremenskog razdoblja. Ova scenarij sadrži ključne pojmove, zajedno s definicijama i ilustracijama.
Storyboard Text
Berlinski zid
Hladnog rata
The Berlin Wall was built as a barrier to separate East and West Berlin. At first it was a barbed wire fence erected August 12-13, 1961. It was later built into a solid wall 12 feet high and 4 feet wide guarded by the "Grenzers."
Hladni rat bio je dugo razdoblje napetosti nakon Drugog svjetskog rata između demokratskih vlada zapadnih zemalja i komunističke vlade istočnoeuropskih zemalja. dvije glavne "velesile" SAD i SSSR (Rusija) vode sukob. U Njemačkoj su Istok kontrolirali SSSR, a Zapad SAD, Velika Britanija i Francuska.
"If I cannot speak what I think, then it's a crime just to be me!"
A noć Djelitelj Uvjeti i aluzije
The Stasi, or the "Ministry for State Security", was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany, GDR). It was an intelligence and secret police agency that was extremely repressive to its citizens.
Grenztruppen, nicknamed Grenzers, were the border police that stood guard along the Berlin Wall.
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