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Boja Pejzaža Poezije 1

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Limerick Poem Planner/Enter Title Here

Directions: Enter Text Here






The first, second, and fifth lines should have 8-9 syllables!

The third and fourth lines should have 5-6 syllables!

The subject of a limerick should be funny, or witty!

Be creative and have fun!

Boja Pejzaža Poezije 1
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Popis

Planer pjesama u Limeriku.

Storyboard Text

  • Limerick Poem Planner/Enter Title Here
  • Name Date
  • Directions: Enter Text Here
  • The first, second, and fifth lines should have 8-9 syllables!The third and fourth lines should have 5-6 syllables!
  • The subject of a limerick should be funny, or witty! Be creative and have fun!
  • A
  • A
  • B
  • B
  • A
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