Sara was driving home from work when she wrecked into a car that swerved in front of her.
Oh no! What am I going to do? I don't have a car shop I know I can trust...
She tried the Carmex Collision Repair app and saw that she could answer her basic questions pretty quickly so she decided to submit her car for repair with them.
The fact that I can compare shops makes me feel like they care more about me than the money.
Wow! I love that I can get an idea of how much this is going to cost me.
After a few days she was wondering how the repair was going but she was too busy at work to get a chance to call the shop.
I wonder how much longer until I can get my car back. Actually, I think I can see updates on the app.
Using the app she was able to see that her car would be ready in two days. She also saw a suggested repair for her hood.
I love that they give me so much information about this suggestion. It seems useful but I can't afford it at this time. No thanks!
A couple of days later she was able to go get her car back from the shop. Her hood was still damaged but the car was good to drive again.
Wow this looks so much better than before! This was so much easier than I thought it would be!
Even though she didn't get the suggested repair this time, Sara knew where she'd be going when she was finally ready to get it fixed. Carmex Collision Repair!
I'm so happy to be driving again. I'm going to recommend that shop to everyone I know!