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TCH 201 Ayers project

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TCH 201 Ayers project
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Storyboard Text

  • Understanding The Classroom
  • Utilizing what we read over the semester, and the interactions with our peers, we can hone in on our teaching skills when we enter the field of education.
  • At Risk Labeling
  • Over the course of this reading I think the most complex challenges Ayers and his students faced was “at risk” labeling from the administration.
  • Low Impluse control?
  • Another important teachable moment I took from Ayers was in chapter eight, Commencement. “If we already know everything, we are terrible students and bad teachers” (Ayers 115). I definitely believe in that statement because education is forever evolving and there is no definitive end to it. Ayers once said in order to be a great teacher, you need to learn alongside your students.
  • Becomming The Student
  • Mr. Topps, how far is the moon from the sun?
  • I'm not sure, lets figure it out together!
  • Saving The Children
  • When teachers come into the field of education with the notion that all children need saving, it truns into a dangerous act of ignorace to assume someones own persnal life or issuses.
  • Curriculum Restrictions
  • State requirements must be met by the end of the semester!!
  • Moving Foreward
  • On the last page of chapter eight we see Quinn following in the footsteps of his teacher and when a student asked him a question, he admitted that he didnt know the anwer, but they can figure it out together. Teaching is a partnership between the student and teacher, and they both have to work together to navigate this enigma we call life.
  • Ayers said, “Leave the ‘saving’ at the door. Teach”, and I couldn’t agree more. Creating a safe place for students to come forward with any problems they have outside of school is very important, but its equally important to not press any issues or search for conflict in students lives without them coming forward first.
  • “Anyone who tries to bracket thinking in any definitive sense is, in essence, killing learing” (Ayers 74). I think its important for teachers to follow their own curriculum as long as stundets excel in the classroom. By implementing a generic curriculum that doesnt really carter to anyones particular learning style can be very dangerous for the students because they may become lost or disinterested in the lessons. Students know when a teacher is just reading from a textbook rather than making their own lessons
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