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  • Today we are going to talk about the feudal system, under this system all land in kingdom belonged to the king , he parcelled out large chunks to great lords in exchange for their military and political support. it was formed a hierarchical network below the king of earls, barons, lords of the manor and villains, all bound together by pairs of reciprocal obligations. Does anyone known the lowest operational unit in this system ? and what ensured the medieval feudal system?
  • ensured that everyone owed allegiance to the King and their immediate superior. Everyone was expected to pay for the land by providing certain services in the form of man-days of work. This work could be for farming or military service or both. Military service took the form of so many fighting men
  • i read about it, was the manor,controlled by a lord typically holding the rank of a knight. He lived in a manor house and controlled a large area of land along with its workers.
  • You both are right Now it appears the peasant they lived in the manor whic included villages for them, they paid with farming, instead of having his land in one compact mass, had it split up into a large number of small strips scattered over the manor, and separated, not by fences or hedges, but by banks of unploughed turf. with this being said what you guys think the villains did ?
  • In time corvée came to resemble a tax or tribute, as it suited all parties to replace the work by an amount of money or crops or other goods. Because this system included a complex system of rights and obligations. The right to hunt was highly valued by nobles. The severest and cruellest penalties were imposed on "villains" who killed game on the lands owned by a lord.
  • the villains did labour required called corvee, Work was usually intermittent; typically only a certain number of days' or months' work is required each year.
  • Exactly The Feudal System was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the Upper Classes and in most cases enacted by laws. Everything was a source of privilege for the nobles. They had a thousand pretexts for establishing taxes on their vassals, who were generally considered "taxable and to be worked at will." Kings and councils waived the necessity of their studying, in order to be received as bachelors of universities.
  • As we saw in this class how was formed the feudal system we can add to conclude that it develop effects on society From European feudalism emerged different forms of constitutional government. New ideas led to the resistance to and defiance of the feudal lord. The rights of the majorities and the development of early representative institutions emerged. These were the powerful effects during the decline of European feudalism.
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