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  • I will feature in the introduction. In the introduction I will define natural selection and briefly outline the role Darwin and Wallace had in discovering the theory of evolution through natural selection. I will also use a quote to engage the audience and have cinematic background music to build atmosphere.
  • After my introduction, I will introduce the features, mechanism and aspect of evolution. I will expand on the theory of natural selection and introduce the two pieces of evidence of evolution.
  • What's evolution again?
  • Well, once apon a time, two guys called Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace discovered the theory of evolution through natural selection. This theory explores the idea that individuals from a species are more likely to survive in their environment and pass on their genetic material to the next generation when their inherent traits are advantageously suited to their specific environment.
  • Okay, I kinda get that, but i'm more of a practical learner. Is there any real life examples where I can see how this so called 'evolution' works.
  • I will then introduced two pieces of evidence for evolution. These include transitional fossil records and comparative anatomy.
  • Yes, there are two pieces of evidence that I think you will understand. Lets go outside!
  • Next, I will expand on fossil records and how they are important when understanding how evolution works. This section will include photos of real fossils and the process of finding fossils.
  • Then, I will introduce my second piece of evidence which is comparative anatomy. I will then expand on this concept through both homologous and analogous structures.
  • I will then start my conclusion by summarising both pieces of evidence and then finish with rolling credits of my 7th generation APA style referencing.
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